Top 7 Business Sectors That Will Capture The Indian Market Share in 2018 - By Rstechgroups

So what brings you here? A keen interest in business? Well, we share the same spirit. 2017 has come to an end and all the hyper activities in the business world has got us a little light-headed as the business world progresses at a dizzying pace.
We have been out there digging our nose in every pothole of the business world to fish for inside news. We have found our fair share of information, and before it gets stale why not let us share it with you. If you are half as passionate about business as we are, you must have already wondered what is in store for the next year? Who doesn’t want a little insight that will make you tremble with excitement?
We understand your emotions. Put those butterflies in your stomach at rest, we have already come up with a list of top 7 business sectors that will rule the roost in terms of market share in 2018! Read on to know more.

The Bank Sector

What will happen to the banking sector in 2018? With the fintech scene in India gaining leverage, banks can’t stay too far away from the AI revolution, as the banking sector is gearing up for evolution in 2018, it is bound to create more than a few ripples in the market. 2017 has already witnessed the major banks like HDFC,ICICI and YES bank attune to chatbots for customer support interactions. Guess what is awaiting banks in 2018? Machine Learning! The next year, banks are expected to adopt new regression models which will be powered by machine learning to deliver better offerings.

The Dairy Sector

This dairy sector amongst others are expected to capture market share in 2018 given that the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has plans to double the farm income in the coming years. What does 2018 have in store for the dairy sector? The anticipated “cream run for the dairy industry” will have much excitement to offer us. The special focus will be on value-added products. Overall, it is estimated that the production capacity of the dairy industry will be augmented to 1,050 lakhs litres/ day. No wonder then that the dairy industry has been drawing the attention of equity investors for some time now.

The Technology Sector

Good news, fellas! The IT sector is all set for another stellar year in 2018. Led by giants like Amazon, Alphabet, Apple, Facebook and Netflix, the IT sector continues to hold its stance as the energizer bunny of the market sectors. The PTI had recently done a story, “2018 will be a better year for Indian IT, says senior industry figure”. What a scintillating read and such delightful prophecies! The overall IT spend can be expected to grow by 4-4.5 percent this year.

The Healthcare Sector

As a business sector, healthcare has been exploding for some time now. Several investors have kept an eye onthis sector with keen interest, and for good reasons too. If you are one of those investors who are planning to take a plunge, here are some facts and figures that are bound to intrigue you. The Indian Healthcare Industry is worth around 100 billion USD and is estimated to grow up to 280 billion USD by the year 2020 (which means the industry is likely to grow at a CAGR of 23 percent).

The Real Estate Sector

With policy reforms like the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act and the GST, the year 2017 has been quite happening for the Indian real estate sector and the hangover is likely to continue in 2018 as well. As an investor eyeing the market, what all can you expect? A sharp rise in the sales of affordable housing, a massive consolidation (promoters who cannot keep up RERA norms will join ventures with organised developers), boost in foreign investment and the cropping up of smart cities.

The Logistics Sector

We would like to begin by telling you that in a recent study (conducted by World Bank), India has jumped no less than 19 positions in the Logistics Performance Index. Need we say more? In India, the warehouse industry is worth INR 560 billion and has an annual growth rate of 10-12 percent. So, what can you expect from the logistics industry in the coming year? A robust growth rate of 7.6 percent, according to the International Monetary Fund, Washington. What are the factors that are expected to promote such a growth rate? Well, mostly cutting-edge technology and advancements in AI (especially in terms of automation).

The Telecom Sector

Ah! Yes! How could we miss this one ? The Telecom story in India is getting better day by day it seems and we are pretty sure that 2018 will have nothing but good vibes in store for you. Why is the telecom sector expected to boom? Well, the roll out of 4G technology is one of the massive reasons, then you have the smartphones that are growing in popularity by the minute and let’s not forget the digital wallets that saw a major rise in use ever since demonetization. This sector is about to see a massive rise in employment opportunities in 2018 owing to emerging technologies like M2M and 5G, and not to mention the evolution of Information and Communications Technology. As per estimation, job opportunities in the telecom sector will hit 30 lakhs in 2018.
There is never a quiet day in the business world and a lot is yet to unfold. With every bit of ups and downs, the year 2018 is likely to be a hectic one in the business-O-sphere. Whether you are an entrepreneur or an investor, 2018 will have a lot to promise you if you swear by any of the above business sectors.


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