8 Crucial Steps To Take Before Starting An Online Ecommerce Business(part2)

5. Create an Online Payment System

Certainly, customers need a method to pay you for their purchase. You can accept payments online by using a merchant account along with a payment gateway, the all-in-one service provider, or many other options, including ACH transfers and e-checks. Here is how they vary:
  • Merchant account along with payment gateway. The merchant account tends to be a unique account set up via your bank, which lets you accept credit card, and a payment gateway connects the bank account with your web store. Famous payment gateways include Authorize.Net and SecureNet. You will need to apply for them, and pay possible setup charges and fees.
  • All-in-one payment solutions. This service allows for fast setup and you do not need to apply in order to get started, though you do need to link the bank account with them. There is no setup fee, but transaction fees do apply. A few providers include Stripe, PayPal and Dwolla.
  • ACH bank transfers and E-checks. Some people do not use debit or credit cards, and you will need to offer a way to pay for them too. You can utilize a service such as QuickBooks Payments in order to boost your client payment option.

6. Design The Delivery System

A good plan to deliver the products to your clients that purchase them is an imperative aspect of a well-designed web store. The delivery system will be based on what you actually sell. For example, if you sell the downloadable information, like white papers or e-books, you can utilize a good digital publishing platform like DPD. If you buy wholesale from any manufacturer who houses inventory, you can hire a drop-shipping firm like ShipStation. But if you aim to house, as well as ship the products by yourself, you must make a shipping rate schedule and strategy, or use the fulfillment service such as ShipWire. You’ll send them your own products, and they will fill the order as they come.

7. Market Your Website

The next step here is to make sure that customers know about your website. Here are a few ways you can advertise it. Fill your website with high quality content in order to increase the search engine rankings. This will help more people discover your website. Create an informative and interesting blog, which keeps website visitors coming back for new posts. Keep the email address of the individuals who purchase from you, and utilize email marketing for announcing new product offerings and sales.
Video marketing is also becoming more imperative to sites as customers are utilizing them more frequently to persuade purchasing decisions. Make one which talks about the advantages of your own products, or instructs the viewers how to utilize them. Do not forget social media. You must set up your accounts with FacebookPinterest and Twitter at a minimum, as well as learn how to best engage with your clients through social media platforms.

8. Track Your Growth

In order to measure your own success, you must track as well as measure your website’s growth and decide which online advertising methods are getting results. Do so by intimately following your website’s search engines ranking for keywords you target, simply by using tools like Google Analytics. This free tool provides you insights into your most famous keywords and pages, and assists you to track the sources of your online traffic. By tracking your analytics, you will know the best ways to continue to market your product or service or to try something different.


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