Matchmaking: small businesses can make big strides by partnering with the right IT

There’s a wealth of increasingly affordable IT services available to Canadian small businesses and a host of IT service providers itching to assist them. One problem: they’re not always finding each other, says Bruce Croxon, partner at growth-stage venture fund Round 13 Capital, co-host of BNN’s The Disruptors and veteran of three seasons on CBC’s Dragons’ Den.
Croxon spoke to an audience of small business owners in Ottawa on Oct. 11, at a TD-sponsored conference on the opportunities open to them in a disruptive business cycle.
His own successful start-up, online dating service Lavalife, was founded in 1987 and sold by its partners in 2004 for $180 million. The difference between tech businesses in 1987 and tech businesses today? In the past, you built your own tech infrastructure at a massive capital cost, because it wasn’t available as a neatly packaged, cloud-based service for hire.
The most valuable data makes customers out of non-customers and transforms existing customers into long-term clients
The data revolution changed all that, by making it cheaper for any small business to enter the market. A host of cloud-based services are now becoming increasingly affordable. Canada’s Nectar Desk provides cloud-based call answer services while RingCentral replaces legacy phone equipment with a cloud-based system. Montreal’s Xen provides accounting services in the cloud, while Vancouver’s Rise offers cloud-based human resources services.
But the ability to leverage cloud services to locate, analyze and track customer data provides the true competitive edge.
“As an investor in technology companies in Canada, my job is increasingly to figure out which ones understand the difference between useful data and useless data,” says Croxon. “The successful ones are taking the useful data and making change with it and impacting positively the way we live our lives.”
The most valuable data makes customers out of non-customers and transforms existing customers into long-term clients.
“Data tech allows you to understand your customer, where they’re coming from, how much it costs you to get them and what they’re worth to the company across a reasonable chunk of time,” says Croxon. “All that data is available to business owners, whether they run a coffee shop or a body shop. But if you’re not making use of it, it means you don’t have the right person in the organization to understand how that stuff works so that you can translate the data into customer insights that can impact your business.”
While small businesses may not be able to afford a full-time IT staff member, they can take advantage of many of these data tools by accessing shared services from cloud-based service providers.
Providers of cloud-based services operate in a global market, though Croxon points out that Canada often punches way above its weight as a service provider. For example, the country is on the cutting edge of the development of technologies building on artificial intelligence. Still, many providers could be doing a better job of connecting with customers.
“IT companies have the same marketing challenges as the businesses they want to serve,” he says. “They need to let the small businesses know that they exist and then explain how they can make the lives of small business owners easier.”
In the past, many organizations siloed technology and businesses functions, often leading to a disconnect between tech and the customers it was supposed to serve. The process of agile development is forging cross-functional teams that keep customers and end-users at the forefront of new tech development.
“Tech people I work with still laugh at my lack of knowledge of how the technology actually works,” Croxon says. “But I don’t need to. My strength is understanding what the technology can do, how it can be leveraged and how businesses can be built around this kernel of technology.”
Bruce Croxon appeared in Ottawa on Oct. 11 at an event sponsored by TD in recognition of Small Business Month.


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