Business Ideas That Made Billions
You have probably heard already what they say about ideas, they have the power to change lives. Well, an idea whose time has come can truly work wonders. No one knows this better than a businessman. You know an idea is trying it’s luck every time you see a start-up popping up. Well, not every entrepreneur is happy with how the wishing well responds (given that 9 out 10 start-ups are doomed to fail), but there are a few of those that got lucky. These business ideas took off and went on to become ‘inspiration for the not-so-blessed’ (case studies) while tweaking the future of the world. And, not only that, these ideas fetched their owners several billion dollars! Here are the some of the greatest business ideas that changed the world around us. Keep reading till you get used to the awe! The Know It All Idea – This idea that was pioneered by two Stanford University geeks. Two inexplicably gifted PhD students with the brains of a wizard and a knack for wordplay. Any guesses...