
Showing posts from April, 2017

Free Online Basic Computer Training

With computer technology continually changing, it is easy to think you may be a dinosaur regarding computer usage. Acquiring a few basic skills gives you confidence to accomplish what you want to, whether staying in touch through email, compiling travel information or searching for jobs. Take advantage of free online training, so you can understand computer jargon, navigate through the operating system, maneuver the mouse and gain proficiency on the keyboard. Ad Start Download - View PDF Convert From Doc to PDF, PDF to Doc Simply With The Free Online App! Computer Terminology If you think a mouse has to do with setting a trap, or a keyboard plays musical notes; learning computer terminology is the place to start. GCF LearnFree provides videos that help you understand computer lingo. The introductory Computer Basics segment explains hardware components, including the difference between a desktop, laptop and mobile device. Users can v

Weather Map Activities for Middle Schooler

If you teach a middle school class, you will probably spend a few lessons covering the weather. Since weather impacts everyday life for people across the world, students should understand the basic elements of weather and weather forecasts. Meteorologists use many different kinds of weather maps as snapshots to interpret and predict weather patterns. Incorporate a variety of activities into your lessons to teach middle school students about weather maps. Precipitation Map Students can work in pairs to create a precipitation map, which shows the accumulation of rain, sleet or snow of an area, in inches, over a single day. Provide each pair of students with a blank map of the United States. Students can use crayons or markers to make this weather map, having each color represent a different level of precipitation on the map. Make sure students create a key on the map that shows how many inches of precipitation each color represents. Weather Forecast Analysis If you h

How to Pay For College With No Money

How to Pay For College With No Money Students of all ages often need help paying for college. Paying for college with no money, whether you’re graduating from high school, or returning after spending years in the workforce can be difficult for many people, and the fees don’t stop with tuition. But enrolling in college will help you increase your earning power and develop skills you need to move forward in your career. While paying for college without money in the bank can be tough, there are some ways you can find the money you need to pay for college depending on your personal situation. Step 1 Consider taking out a loan for college. The type of loan you can get depends on the college, according to FinAid. The most common types of loans are Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFEL, FFELP) loans and direct loans, part of the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program. Talk with your high school counselor or the financial aid department at the college you want

China is building a giant nuclear submarine facility

China is building a giant nuclear submarine facility Giant Factory When this enclosed submarine factory begins operation later this year, the Bohai Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Co. (BSHIC) will be able to quickly build nuclear submarines. Assembling SSNs in a building also provides the advantage of sheltering against the weather, not to mention nosy spy satellites. Starting later this year, China's new submarine factory on the Yellow Sea will churn out nuclear-powered attack submarines—also known as SSNs—all but ensuring that the sub program of the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) will be a deadly global force. Bohai Shipbuilding Heavy Industrial Corporation is putting the finishing touches on its new facility, which will start production this year. BSHIC, based in Huludao, Liaoning Province, is China's only builder of nuclear submarines. It previously built the Type 091, 093 nuclear attack submarines (SSN) and Type 092 and 094 nuclear ballistic m
watch the 2018 stunning phone . with RS TECH GROUPS 1.STUNNING DESIGN Smartphone design has seen a  bit of a stagnation  over the years and Samsung has tried to break that trend in the past by launching dual-edge smartphones. Bezel-less displays are the new order of the day with  Xiaomi  and  LG  having raced ahead by launching near bezel-less smartphones with the  Mi MIX  and  LG G6  respectively. Glass is slowly trumping metal as the new premium and if the leaks are right, the Galaxy S8 promises to bring just that - a mostly all-glass smartphone with a large display, and almost no bezels. All the leaks and renders have shown us that Samsung is keeping the  front just for the display , moving the fingerprint scanner over at the back, and ditching the Home Button and navigation buttons altogether. This leaves all the room in the front to house a large display for an immersive viewing experience. The Galaxy S8 allegedly  touts a 18:9 aspect ratio  with extremely slim bezels on